Here’s How Much CA Teachers Make Compared To Other States

CALIFORNIA — California's teachers and college faculty rank first in the nation in average pay, and starting salaries are among the highest in the United States, according to a new report from the National Education Association.

But even with recent pay increases, teacher salaries in the Golden State and elsewhere around the country haven’t quite kept pace with inflation over the past decade, researchers found.

When adjusted for inflation, the nation’s K-12 public school teachers made 5 percent less than they did 10 years ago, according to the report. The report is based on 2022-23 school year data and projected 2023–24 data.

California's average starting teacher salary of $55,283 in 2022-23 ranked fourth in the country, while the average teacher salary of $95,160 ranked first, the report showed. Faculty members working in higher education earned $129,096 on average, also leading the nation.

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