The Answer is Clear

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  • Source: YouTube
  • 08/16/2023
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Versión en español

Compare the Different Approaches to Education

Under government run public schools, California academic test standards continue to eroded, and the performance of our students has steadily deteriorated for decades year after year. California’s public education system was once at the nations best but is now at or near the bottom.

Recent federal and state standardized testing studies show that 23 percent of California’s students are illiterate. Test scores in Language Arts and Math continue the downward trend with no hope of reversing. The best policy makers and politicians can come up with is throw more money at the problem and maybe it will go away.

California currently spends a staggering $23,000 per student annually or $690,000 per class of 30. Yet, California continues to experience an alarming rise in crime, and drug use. The cycle of poverty continues.

We are witnessing unprecedented levels of despair, with tragic consequences such as increased suicide rates among our public school students.

But when parents decide the best education fit for their children, they know that education is the key that unlocks the doors of opportunity. It equips the child with the knowledge, skills, and information to navigate the challenges of life. Education is the great equalizer. It breaks the chains of poverty and paves the path to social and economic mobility. Parents know that by providing their child with the tools they need in life will allow their child to rise above their circumstances and create a better life for themselves.

The answer is clear. Let the parent decide the best education fit for their child, not a government bureaucrat or central planer.
The Answer is Clear (New) by Children's Educational Opportunity Act is licensed under YouTube

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