Childcare workers in California need paths to higher pay

California’s early care and education workforce provides essential support and assistance to families across the state. But even as families trust them to care for and teach their children, many workers struggle to improve their wages and economic mobility.

Earlier this year, my colleagues at the Public Policy Institute of California and I conducted data analysis, interviews, and workshops for California’s Care Workforce, an overview of policy issues facing the field. We discovered a variety of challenges that limit career advancement for care workers — as well as existing policies and programs that can offer pathways toward better jobs.

In general, early care and education workers have a number of things in common: virtually all (95%) are women, more than two-thirds (69%) are women of color, and over 40% are foreign-born. They also earn relatively low wages (about $19–$22/hour, which is 20% to 30% less than the typical California worker). But similarities among workers in this sector, who provide care across many different settings, end there. Many are self-employed and operate small businesses out of their homes. Others work at childcare centers and preschools that have more explicit training and education requirements. And still others work in public elementary schools, at transitional kindergarten programs for 4-year-olds.

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