Children's Educational Opportunity Act Explained (37 min)

Learn how California's children can have equitable access to quality education regardless of family income or race.

1) Proposition 98 funds, approved by the voters 35 years ago for education allows for $17,000 annually to be placed in every child TK to 12th grade for education.

2) Options include Public School, Charter School, Private School, Faith-Based School and Homeschool.

3) Any unused funds in the ESA remain in the account earning interest to be used for future education expenses.

4) After 12th grade, any funds in the ESA can be used for Trade Technical School, Community College, University and Post-graduate school for the remainder of the students life.

5) After 18 years of age, the student can transfer some or all in their ESA to a family member's ESA or donate to a school.

This is equality and equity at its best. End the cycle of poverty by allowing all students in California, including low and moderate income families, to have the same education opportunities as the children in wealthy families.

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