Bill to provide $17,000 for those opting out of public schools defeated in California senate committee

The latest push for education savings accounts – a type of school choice voucher that would give parents money to finance their children’s non-public schooling – was defeated in a 5-2 vote in California’s senate education committee earlier this week.

If passed, Senate Bill 292 would have established a fund for students who opt out of attending public schools that is equivalent to the amount the state spends on each student every year — around $17,000 per pupil during the 2022-23 academic year. Families could have used the money for private school tuition or other educational expenses. Leftover funds could be put toward higher education costs once the student graduates from high school.

“California’s government run schools are failing too many students,” said the bill’s author, Senator Shannon Grove (R-Bakersfield) in an emailed statement. “The government focuses more on funding institutions than students, and most parents have no other options.”

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