Most California high school students aren’t college-ready, analysis shows. What it means for the Valley

MERCED, Calif. — Most California high school students aren’t eligible to attend the public universities – and students in the San Joaquin Valley are among the most impacted, according to a recent report by the news outlet Ed Source.

The report focuses on what are known as “A-G requirements,” which are classes needed for undergraduate student admission into a University of California or California State University campus.

The requirement involves completing a specific number of college-preparatory courses in subjects like foreign language, English and math. Some requirements include four years in English, two years of laboratory science and a college prep elective.

Ed Source analyzed data, obtained by the California Department of Education, which showed less than half (44%) of the state’s high school graduates fulfilled their A-G requirement last year.

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Graduation by MD Duran is licensed under Unsplash

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